Exceptional opening until 7pm on Saturdays until March 23 / Online booking strongly recommended at weekends and during school vacations due to the success of the exhibition, with long waiting times for on-site purchases.
Make your own Kabuki mask
For children aged 5 to 10
Kabuki theater is the epic form of traditional Japanese theater. Actors and actresses were richly costumed and made-up to play legendary characters. We suggest that children make a Samurai (warrior-chief) or Geisha (refined artist) mask, inspired by Japanese colors and motifs.
Material required
- Geisha or Samurai mask printed on a thick A4 sheet (180g preferably)
- felt-tip pens
- scissors and tape
- wooden skewer
- glue
- stickers and a small piece of fabric
1. The cutting
Print your Geischa or Samurai mask.
Cut out the outline of your mask. Ask an adult to help you cut out the eyes.
2. The coloring
With your markers, color the mask in the colors of your choice.
3. The stickers
Customize your mask with a few stickers.
4. Making the knot
With the help of an adult, "accordion" your square piece of fabric. Staple the knot in the center.
Glue the knot in place.
5. Fixing the mask stem
Place the wooden skewer behind the mask and tape it in place.
Grab your mask and take on the role of a Kabuki Theater actor.